AYSO Fall Core Program
Our Fall Core Program is designed to nurture player development for children under the age of 18 years of age. The younger divisions play games at Jesse Owens, and older interplay divisions play around the Tucson area.The Fall season begins in September and conclude in December for most divisions and in October for Playground, Schoolyard, U16 and U18.
Although it is our desire to include every child who wishes to play soccer, as a practical matter registration is only available on a first come, first served basis. Many factors can contribute to limiting registration within any division, including but not limited to: the number of volunteers and availability of practice fields. Once a division has been filled, a waiting list is created from which players may be placed on a team if another player drops or additional coaches are secured.
In an attempt to balance teams correctly, we cannot accept requests for your child to be with specific coaches, or children to be placed on same teams as other children. Only the coach's own children, and siblings within the same division are guaranteed to be on same team.
A non refundable AYSO Player membership fee of $20 is included with your payment. (**Fall 2020 is an exception due to COVID-19)
Volunteers Needed!
AYSO is an all-volunteer organization. We depend on our parents to volunteer in any way possible! Please plan on volunteering your time in some way during the season, whether it is with Coaching, Refereeing, being Team Manager, joining the 153 Board, Etc. There are all kinds of volunteer opportunities, if you have a talent you wish to share with region 153 please share it with the Board. We would not be able to offer this program without our volunteers!
Registration Includes:
- A quality uniform consisting of a 2 jerseys shorts, and socks
- U6 to U14 - 12 regular season games (games cancelled due to inclement weather might not be rescheduled)
- Playground and Schoolyard - 6 games
- U16 & U18 - 6-8 games depending on scheduling
- Picture package
- Secondary Accident Insurance through the AYSO National organization
*For more information or any questions please email [email protected]*