Severe Weather Policy 
Check the
AYSO 153 Home Page on game day for field status reports. We try to report field conditions as of 7:30am with later updates if the weather is threatening. We don't cancel often, though.
We cancel games due to: (1) lightning, driving rain, or other conditions making play dangerous or impractical; or (2) ground so wet that play will damage the fields. We don't cancel merely because it's raining. We may cancel games on some fields and not others; cancellation may occur at any time. We strongly advise that coaches and parents exchange cell phone numbers so that word of last-minute cancellations can be spread quickly.
Lightning is dangerous!! Thunder is an indication that lightning is in the area. Our first concern in the presence of lightning is the safety of our players and families. At the first sign of lightning in the area, our referees will stop their games and ask coaches, teams, and families to seek shelter (in cars or in the tunnel - it is still dangerous under trees). The referees will then seek shelter themselves. Games should not resume until 30 minutes have passed since the most recent recognition of either thunder or lightning.
For more information please review the AYSO National Severe Weather Policies by using the link below.